Cruden Bay


Yesterday, a late start and then stopping in Peterhead harbour to stock up on food and drink meant I was paddling later in the day than planned.  After passing Cruden Bay, the combination of the tide against me, a strong headwind and increasingly choppy conditions meant my SOG was under 0.5 knots and it was looking unlikely that I was going to reach anywhere that I could land before dark, so I turned round to return to the calm of Cruden Bay. (Over 6 knots on the way back!).

A bit demoralising to have to go backwards, but better to be safe than sorry.  Today the forecast was for a stronger headwind (that didn’t materialise), so I rested.

I read once that the two most useful skills for a sea kayaker are knowing when to stay on the beach and knowing when to turn back.  I should try to bear that in mind!

3 Replies to “Cruden Bay”

  1. Keep It going Guy your on the back straight now.

    You’ve broken the back of it and your on the back straight now.

    Do you have any idea when you might be home?

    God speed

    The Water Carriiers

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