Finished !!

Departure: 3rd March

I paddled the last few miles yesterday, weaving my way through all the punts on the Cam to arrive back at the mill pond in Cambridge where I had left 204 days earlier.

Arrival: 22nd September

Thanks to everyone who came to see me arrive, and all the encouraging comments while I was paddling round.  After dreaming about doing this for years, the reality exceeded my expectations – a fantastic way to spend the year.

22 Replies to “Finished !!”

  1. Guy no mistaking which is the before and after photo!
    Congratulations on completing this great adventure.

    After six months fully immersed in nature, the return to civilization will be quite a change.

    All very proud of you

    Hugh, Caroline, Julian, Emma and Lucy

  2. Guy i don’t follow face book or any blogs, but some how your trip has simply captured my imagination and i have been quietly looking at your blog most days if not every day! (What is every body going to do now, can you go round again?)

    A fantastic trip, congratulations! I suppose i better start negotiations with the family for my own adventure. Wish me luck!

  3. FANTASTIC WELL DONE. I think it was the 2 cheese cobs and the Mr Kippling cakes that did it for you on the last part of your trip. Congrats The South Landing 5 Rob Pat Vicki Steve and Enya the hound.

  4. Congratulations on finishing. Well done for sticking at it and beating the good old British Weather. It seems a very long time since we and the dogs last saw you pop your head out of your tent at California. It must seem even longer to you!

  5. Viele Glückwünsche aus Deutschland, Gettorf bei Kiel
    Was für ein Weg! Was für ein Erlebnis!
    Auf unserer Schottlandreise durften wir Dich am 24./25.08. in Inverbervie auf dem dortigen Campingplatz treffen und staunend zusehen, wie Du wieder am Sonntag in See gestochen bist.
    Was für eine Reise! Sie bleibt Dir für immer!

    Viele Grüße André & Tina

  6. May I add my congratulations on your impressive achievement.
    We met on the deserted beach at Lantic Bay in Cornwall as the weather closed in.

    Your ambition prompted me to follow your progress with increasing admiration.

    Your reward will be an inexhaustable fund of memories and the knowledge that you touched so many other lives.

  7. Well done Guy. Its been great following your progress since we met you on the beach outside

    Life may well seem very sedate for a while after your epic journey

  8. Sorry, I hit the wrong button!!!

    Anyway, its been a pleasure checking in to watch your progress over the months since we met you at Climping.

    If you ever decide to canoe around the World let us know so that we can travel again with you.

    Every best wish for the future.

    Sandra & Paul, The Water Carriers,

  9. Huge congratulations Guy, Bravo! a really outstanding achievement! So glad it exceeded your expectations. Nick and Pa – AB4B.

  10. Guy, I’m the bicycle rider, we met at that old harbor in northern Scotland where we both ended the day there to camp. I’m glad you made it safely. Must of had the wind at your back as I think your were talking maybe October because of delays. I made my way through England, Holland, some of demark, part of sweden and across Norway. Typing this from the airport in Oslo, on to Dublin and back to the states. So glad you were able to finish your excellent adventure, how great is that to reflect on! All the best! Kevin…

  11. Congratulations Guy. Hope you are enjoying the rest and that you’re handling the lifestyle change. Hopefully catch you soon…

  12. Congratulations Guy. You quietly got on and completed your journey. It was a privilege to meet you on Anglesey. I would love to meet up again and perhaps paddle with you. You must have strong shoulders now.
    best wishes

    John Perrott

  13. Hi! We were watching the Magdalen Bore from Magdalen bridge the day before you arrived back home when you suddenly appeared as a speck in the distance. You were following the Bore as it pushed its way up the Ouse from Kings Lynn. We didn’t believe it when you called up to us that you had just rowed around The British Isles but looked you up and all we can say is well done! We have an Ocean going Kayak but not sure if we are up to doing what you have done, a paddle about in the sea in Cornwall is about all we can manage!

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