

I left Llandudno this morning to cross directly to Formby.  I weaved my way past the wind farms in the morning (with lots of new turbines under construction).

In the afternoon, it became a bit choppy as the tide turned against the wind, and I had to dodge some large ships and speed ferries arriving at Liverpool, and pick my moment carefully to cross the shipping channel.  This became tricky as everything disappeared everytime I was in a trough, and a few waves were breaking over my boat.

I saw some figures on the beach, but wasn’t really sure if they were people or the Anthony Gormley sculptures that the coastguard said are somewhere around here.

I felt pretty exhausted by the time I arrived at Formby, but it was a good day out nevertheless and 30 more miles are behind me.

2 Replies to “Formby”

  1. We knew you were getting close to the Wirral peninsula, that was a big slog from Llandudno! Glad you passed our neck of the woods safe and sound. Good luck up the North West coast.

  2. Good to see that you are on your way again. Hope to meet up again soon. I took the taran out off Amlwch and came back accompanied by a porpoise. Best wishes john

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