Crackington Haven …


It was another lovely day yesterday … light winds and I paddled without a cag … and was warm.   I could really have done with the trolley yesterday as I chased the falling tide to launch from the beach.


I stopped for a break at beautiful Port Isaac where I was given some water and local advice. I left quickly while my illusion of the world of Doc Martin was still intact.


Heading north from Port Isaac towards Boscastle, and I was suddenly surrounded by a pod of dolphins. Swimming up to and under the boat for quite a while before I remembered to get the camera out.


It was a nice evening, and I kept paddling until quite late, arriving at Crackington Haven as the sun was setting.


I met a lovely family on the beach who let me warm up by their fire, and gave me some food and a donation for the fundraising. They even carried all my gear up the beach for me – thanks very much !

Looks a bit too windy for some of today, so I’m having a day off and enjoying some rest.

7 Replies to “Crackington Haven …”

    • Thanks John … I can order a new one once I’ve worked out where I’ll be able to pick it up.
      Probably not the Lundy Post Office 😉

  1. You’re not a million miles from me at the moment. You’re welcome to my trolley, or you could get spares sent to me and I’ll get them to you. Either call __________ or email

  2. Hi Guy. Looks like you are making really good progress now! We must have followed you out of Sennen on Saturday. We stopped at St Agnes for the night. Yesterday we made Port Quin and this morning we had a challenging run to Boscastle where we thankfully got out of our boats and decided to call it a day!! How are you planning to get across to South Wales – we may go Lee Bay up to the Gower? We are updating our facebook (‘AB4B’) on a daily basis than our website. Hope to see you in due course!
    All the best,
    Nick and Lee

  3. Hi guy, it’s Gavin, we met you at Crackington haven, hope your doing ok, I’ve got pictures of you, rowing in with the sunset behind you, they’ve come out well, let me know if you’d like copy’s, good luck at sea my hearty : )

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