Past Land’s End !


Yesterday, I paddled west from Porthleven cutting across some of Mount’s Bay to Mousehole.   I stopped at Porthgwarra for a break, after which the exposed sea became a bit more lively.

I was chuffed to finally pass Land’s End (and complete the south coast), but resisted the temptation to make any jubilant gestures for fear that they may be mistaken for signs of distress by anyone on the cliffs.

I landed in the surf at Sennen and camped just off the beach.  The wind is stronger today and (inevitably) northerly, so I enjoying a welcome day off as I’m pretty exhausted.

There are a lot of granite boulders at one end of this beach, some of which have been carefully balanced on end.  I am impressed.


2 Replies to “Past Land’s End !”

  1. Unlucky with the winds Guy, don’t worry they will turn Easterly soon – when you get to Cape Wrath I guess!
    It’s all part of the game unfortunately, relax and take in the view – better safe than anything else.

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