More poor weather …


I’m still at Lantic Bay – the weather forecasts continue to look poor for the next few days.  It’s day 72 of my trip today – both John and Joe paddling last year were finished by now, and I’m barely a quarter of the way round !

You can just see my tent in this picture.

Despite the forecasts, I keep finding myself tempted to “go for it”  whenever it looks calm in the bay, but a short walk up onto the cliffs where I’m exposed to the wind, or the occasional sight of a passing yacht being tossed about convinces me that I’m probably making the right decision to wait on the beach.


While pacing up and down the beach, I started collecting rubbish into a pile.  This made it look even worse, so I crushed the plastic bottles and I went into Polruan to buy some rubbish bags …


… then carried it all back into town and found a new home for the fender.  There is still some rubbish on the beach that I missed, but I think it looks a bit better now, and 99 is not 100 !


7 Replies to “More poor weather …”

  1. Sorry about the poor weather. If it can make you feel any better you should know it’s just as bad in the South of France…
    However slow or fast your progress is, the children are very proud of their uncle! And so am I!
    Enjoy the rest of your journey.

  2. Travelling the coast of britain, cleaning up the beaches! Looks like you’ve had some bad luck with the weather, hope it calms down soon.

  3. Dear Guy
    We’re the people from Cambridge who came across you on Hemmick Beach. Did you manage to repare the kayak and reach Falmouth? We are full of admiration for what you are doing and hope that you are making faster progress now that the weather has improved. Good luck! We’ll be following your blog.
    Judy and Allen Boothroyd

  4. Hello Guy,

    We are following your progress and thinking of you with the dreadfull weather we are having. Living on the sea front with the wind is scary enough, I thought our patio doors were going to blow in Tuesday night.
    Still it could be worse Shropshire and Devon(as you probably know) have had snow.

    How is the kayak holding up?

    Well done with beach cleaning.

    Keep safe and Best Wishes,

    Sandra and Paul (the water carriers)

    • Hi Sandra and Paul,

      The sea looked fierce on Tuesday, but I’m glad the forecast is looking better now.
      I’m been making a minor repair to the kayak today, but otherwise, it is holding up brilliantly.

      All the best,


  5. Guy, you are fighting the good fight. I love your approach, the blog is making great reading for someone who would love to be out there too but is simultaneously glad not to be.

    Fair winds,


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