New Quay


Lovely weather today, so I went for a paddle.  Just after passing Cardigan Island, suddenly two massive dolphins jumped clear out off the water right next to me.  They then swam alongside for about a mile until a powerboat (that probably wasn’t looking) went right over where they were swimming.  Hope they didn’t hit by a propeller.

Stopped on the beach just past New Quay.

5 Replies to “New Quay”

  1. Hello Guy, I knew you when I used to work at HGMP and later for Ensembl at Sanger – it’s Val C here. This is all a bit different from exonerate! My girls are absolutely fascinated by your journey (as am I) and as a result the 10 year old says she “can’t wait” to try kayaking at the adventure holiday she’s gone on with school this week! Hope all continues well with your inspirational journey, and that your wrist feels better soon. Best wishes, Val

  2. Some nice long sandy beaches coming up, particularly past Barmouth. Watch out for the nudist beach in the sand dunes at Dyffryn Ardudwy just before Shell Island ( or not). Hope all is going well

  3. Good to meet you yesterday. A dolphin played beside me in the tide off Amlwch. First paddle in the new boat. are doing a good job on repairs to your boat. Could I have your mobile to link up again? Your body needs some more servicing! Best wishes John

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