Newport Sands


I stopped in Fishguard yesterday and bought as much food as I could possibly fit into the kayak, after which I paddled on a few more miles to arrive at Newport Sands at sunset.


Today I used continued wrist pain, firing at the Aberporth range, and a headwind as excuses to take another rest day, relaxing in the dunes.

2 Replies to “Newport Sands”

  1. Hi Guy, I am following you daily and enjoying your photo’s and blog. I hardly think you need to make an excuse for a day off. My other half Simon Beeson is following on behind you so I am following you and him and also AB4B from the comfort of my home.
    God speed and fair winds.

  2. you have given up havn’t you Guy , it was a good effort, if you had better weather, a different year i have no doubt you would have made it, how about the first winter trip? hope your wrist gets better soon. Do you know anyone else doing a blog like you this year,
    highest regards

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