
Aporoaching the Isle of May

I crossed from Fife Ness to Dunbar today.  I stopped for a rest and something to eat in the landing inlet on the Isle of May.

After that, I had to dodge a couple of big tankers, then a headwind made progress slow for the last 10 miles.

Feeling pretty tired, but looking at the forecast, I probably have plenty of rest coming soon !

2 Replies to “Dunbar”

  1. Good morning Guy, just a short note to wish you well on the remainder of your trip, we spoke to you this morning on Whitesands beach as you were getting set to go, hope it all goes well for you and we will be making a small donation to your collection.

    Kind regards

    George and Rita

  2. Hi guy hope you had a good night at south landing flamborough head.Hope you enjoyed your food.You are truly an inspiration .It was a pleasure to have met you and we all wish you well for the rest of your journey.We will be making a small donation.

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