Allonby Bay


Yesterday, I left St. Bees in much calmer weather with a clear view of the Isle of Man to the west.

I had an easy day, stopping for lunch at Whitehaven, then watched a couple of paragliders hill soaring as I paddled into the Solway Firth, and stopped a couple of miles past Maryport.

I’m resting today as strong winds were forecast again, but I’m now in a good position to cross to Scotland when the good weather arrives tomorrow.

2 Replies to “Allonby Bay”

  1. Hi Guy, you met Nick and Lee in Devon AB4B, and I’ve joined Nick as Lee had to pull out. Good luck with the Solway Firth crossing. The windmills never seem to get closer, and quite tricky landing anywhere up to 10 km east of Abbey Head. Great beach on island at mouth of Kirkcudbright.
    We are heading up towards Crinan Canal, unable to cross to Arran / Mukl if Kinryre via Ailsa Craig or Girvan due to unhelpful winds. Hope you have better luck. Keep safe. Philippa and Nick. AB4B

    • Sounds like you’re making good progress. I landed just near that island – at Brighouse Bay – a bit of a long crossing !

      Best of luck,


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