Onto Falmouth …

Hemmick Beach
Hemmick Beach

Finally, the wind dropped on Wednesday and I was able to continue west. I had decided to start the day by crossing directly from Lantic Bay to Dodman Point. The crossing started well and a couple of puffins flew close by, but after a while the boat started to feel heavy and a bit sloshy, and I realised I had a leak in the kayak and the cockpit was filling up. I was glad that I had fitted an electric pump so was able to pump water out faster than it was coming in.

I landed at the first opportunity which was Hemmick Beach just after Dodman Point. It turns out Hemmick Beach was a nice place to stop anyway, and I made a temporary repair with duct tape which was enough to get me to Falmouth the next day, where Sea Kayaking Cornwall have been hugely helpful – collecting me from the beach, giving me somewhere to stay, somewhere to repair the boat, and lots of useful advice.   Thanks SKC !  I’m hoping to continue tommorow while the weather is good.

3 Replies to “Onto Falmouth …”

  1. Hello Guy,
    We are the couple who met you on the beach when you had sprung a leak, we took a photo of you. So glad you got it sorted and are back on your way. we’ll follow your progress with interest. All the best for the rest of your trip.

  2. Hello Guy,
    We are the couple who met you on the beach when you had sprung a leak, we took a photo of you. So glad you got it sorted and are back on your way. we’ll follow your progress with interest. All the best for the rest of your trip.

    There has been some mix-up. We are not Kath and Peter Draper (see message above)!

  3. Hi Guy, we met on Hemmick beach when you were waving your arm around trying to get a signal. I was the guy doing the round Britain trip the lazy way (in a car), Who offered rolls of duck tape. glad to hear you got your repair done at Falmouth. I did watch my phone for the next week as promised incase you needed to make a call. Have been watching the weather and have been glad that it has improved for you. I am back in Merseyside now and heading North up towards the Lakes. Hope you are keeping well in yourself and are not too far behind your plan. Keep safe and enjoy. Regards, Alan

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