A week off …

Leaving Branscome. (Thanks Martin for the photo).

I’ve had this week off the water … I arrived at Budleigh Salterton on Sunday from Branscome, and trollied the kayak back to East Budleigh where I’ve spent the week at home.   It felt quite strange not to be sleeping in a tent for first time on this trip.

I’ve spent much of the week doing some gel coat repairs to the kayak, making a longer axle for the trolley, fixing broken electronics, sorting out a leak in a camera housing, and various other bits and bobs.

I’ve also been going through kit trying to make a bit more space in the boat (so I can fit more food in).  After six broken poles and a lot of emails, I received a replacement tent – thanks Vango!

I’d like to stay here enjoying mother’s company and home cooking, but I’m continuing today.  (I also need to pass the Straight Point firing range at the weekend).   Looking forward to all the interesting coastline ahead.

One Reply to “A week off …”

  1. Great to see you Guy. Privileged to lend your mum a blanket while she waved you off. Took lots of pictures which I’ve emailed. An excellent cause. Keep safe. Mel & Jon Lane

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