On to Dungeness …


Early yesterday morning, the wind dropped for a bit, which fitted with the tide and allowed me to pass the Hythe range while it was closed.

I was on the water at about 5:30am and off again by about 9am. I stopped at Dungeness – before the Lydd range – not many miles, but I was glad to move a bit.

The light was amazing as the sun emerged from behind a cloud, but there was a headwind all the way (Easterlies – where are you now ?) Not long after I got back into my tent, heavy rain started, then strong wind returned and I was glad to be off the water.


I like Dungeness – a beautiful spot with a couple off porpoises near the beach when I arrived, friendly wardens and residents, and nice beach houses. Thanks to the mystery person who left me some chocolate biscuits by my tent !

I slept well despite finding out late at night that I had foolishly camped near the foghorn. Strong wind meant another rest day today, but the forecast for tomorrow looks more promising. It was quite clear today, and good to look back at the cliffs I’ve already passed to the East.

3 Replies to “On to Dungeness …”

  1. It’s looking good for Friday Saturday and Sunday with North Westerly becoming Light and variable as High Pressure develops. Hope you get a good number of miles done. It is an age since the dogs spooked at California and well done for getting so far despite the unfavourable weather. Good luck and fair winds.

  2. I am the friendly warden for the Dungeness National Nature Reserve who after a beachclean with 30 volunteers on the Sunday, we decided to leave our precious chocolate biscuits for you to enjoy on your travels.

    Happy to solve the mystery!

    Good Luck with the rest of the trip.

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