Still at Hythe …


The weather seems a bit crazy at the moment … there has been fog, sunshine, strong winds, and heavy rain all in the last 24 hours. I suppose that means spring has arrived.

Looking at the map from xcweather, it looks like I’m in windiest part of the UK at the moment.  I’m hoping to leave in a small weather window early tomorrow with the tide, (unless the forecast changes again). I won’t be able to paddle for long before the wind gets up again, but at least I should get past the Hythe range.

3 Replies to “Still at Hythe …”

  1. Hi Guy

    I always knew where John was paddling by looking for the big arrows on the weather map too. Don’t get discouraged, enjoy your adventure. Pascale (JW partner)

  2. Hi Guy,

    Well, we got off the water in lovely weather at Coverack on Friday. Knowing we were sheltered from a nasty westerly which was never goinyto allow us around the Lizard without mishap and astuck since, luckily with friends this time due. Not expecting to get back on the water again til Wed !

    Andy seems to have some work lined up for the next couple of days with his mate!! Guess I’ll just hang out and do some walking and baking for everyone!

    Hope you get moving again soon.

    Take care, Jane& Andy.

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