A few photos of the trip so far …


Setting off from the mill pond in Cambridge (thanks Will for the photo).
Setting off from the mill pond in Cambridge (thanks Will for the photo).


After a whole week stuck at Gore Point waiting for the weather to improve, I finally managed to paddle yesterday.

Today the wind is up again, so I’ve found a pub with wifi so I can upload some pictures of the trip so far.


The raging torrent that is the Great Ouse.
The raging torrent that is the Great Ouse.

The weather has been pretty horrendous – two inches of rain one day, thick fog another, frosts on the beach, snow, gale force winds, horizontal hail …

The wind chill was enough to turn boiling water stone cold again in the time it took to carry my kelly kettle back to the tent!

Still enjoying it nevertheless.


I gave the sensitive Blakeley Point a wide berth yesterday, but many of the curious seals swam out to see me.  The warden said “At least you didn’t land a helicopter on it like that bloke from Jamiroquoi the other day”.

A horribly knee-deep muddy exit from the tidal river near King's Lynn.
A horribly knee-deep muddy exit from the tidal river near King’s Lynn.
Chilling in the dunes.
Chilling in the dunes.
Pretty view, but also pretty cold.
Pretty view, but also pretty cold.
Did I mention the cold ?
Did I mention the cold ?

6 Replies to “A few photos of the trip so far …”

  1. Hi Guy, was nice to meet you today. Hope you enjoy the weekend at Cley.
    Just wanted to wish you luck for the rest of your journey!

  2. Good to hear you are making progress once again, you were unlucky with the weather but that’s the way it goes, it may not be the only time!
    Enjoy and take it steady for now. We’ll be watching!

  3. Hello Guy, My partner, Carolyn, and I met you on the beach at Cromer on Sunday 17th March. Was great to chat and hear about your expedition. Good times ahead I hope. I will let my father (John White – Deben Estuary Harbour Master) know about your trip. He also knows the inshore lifeboat crew at Felixstowe who will be interested. If you need shelter, hot food and even a bed for the night at Felixstowe Ferry, call him up on VHF radio or on 0780—- —-. Now off to donate, before tweeting about your journey.
    Have a good trip.

    • Hi Barrie,

      Was good to meet you both on the beach. That all sounds brilliant – I’m glad I picked that spot to stop for lunch ! Also thanks very much for the donation. (I’ve made a note of the number but redacted it in your comment incase you didn’t want it posted online.)

      Thanks again,



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