
Some essential reading
Some essential reading

I’ve been trying to reduce the mountain of gear that I’d like to take with me on this trip down to a size that will actually fit in my kayak.

I have been scanning various books (using a cardboard box book scanner).  This has converted the 8 kg of books shown here down to about 2 GB of files, but of course paper books don’t need batteries …

2 Replies to “Books”

  1. Hi Guy,
    I can’t remember whether we messaged you before, but if not, best of luck on your trip. We’re off doing the same trip as you from April 6th starting from Plymouth. (Let us know when you get to Plymouth – it could be a similar time to when we set off!) Good luck with the March weather – hope you get off to a good start. Best of luck and perhaps meet you on the way round. Jane & Andy.

    • Thanks Andy and Jane,

      I think our routes may cross a couple of times, so I’ll look out for you in your double ! It would be good to meet.
      Definitely a gamble with the March weather – not sure how far it will let me go.

      Best of luck to you too,



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