British Summer Time begins …


Yesterday, the wind dropped enough for me to leave the beach between Thorpeness and Aldeburgh and paddle a little bit further south to Felixstowe Ferry.

It was snowing when I launched and was a bit choppy for the first few miles with a couple of very cold waves breaking over the boat. After Orford Ness, it became much smoother, the sun came out, and a porpoise led the way for a bit.


Felixstowe Ferry seems like a lovely place, and I’ve been made feel very welcome here by the Harbour Master and the sailing club (and have enjoyed the luxury of a hot shower).

I could be here for a while, as the strong easterly wind is back today and the forecast doesn’t look good. I knew it was going to be a gamble with the conditions setting off in March and in terms of distance covered, it really hasn’t paid off, although I have been able to see a lot of different weather.

Another tent pole had broken, this time I’ve made a temporary repair using some tape and bit of old fizzy drink bottle. Not sure how long that is going to last!

2 Replies to “British Summer Time begins …”

  1. Guy once you take the sharp right at Margate you’ll almost be able to see “The Bridge”! Keep slogging away when its possible and keep warm in the tent or other more welcoming abodes when its not!

  2. Once you get to the channel the winds behind you, surf down to Sennen, ferry glide to St Davids, then the lee of the cliffs to Cape Wrath, then the weather changes to westerlies, and it easy peasy all the way back.
    Highest regards
    Mark and Yeshe

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